Super poop

Clostridioides (Clostridium) difficile!
Sounds like a spell uttered by Harry or Ron? It's not magic, it's the name of a tiny, powerful bacteria that live in our gut. It is not as powerful as Voldemort, but it is as dangerous as this evil wizard. If it produces poisons, it will cause diarrhea with blood admixtures, and in some people a much more severe disease. It is spread by dirty hands! If you do not wash your hands after using the toilet and then with your dirty hands you touch the table, chair, doorknob, the food you eat, or other surfaces and objects around you, you transmit C. difficile just like other gut bacteria.
Using inoculating loop, we plant the sample on a bacteriological agar. (A gelatinous medium in a petri dish containing all the nutrients needed for bacterial growth).
Inoculated agar plate is placed in an incubator at 35 ° C to 37° C overnight.
The next day a bacterial culture grows. It has a numerous colonies of different appearance, color and shape.
Name: Clostridioides (Clostridium) difficile
Profession: I am an anaerobic and sporogenic bacterium.
Specialization: Causing diarrhea and life-threatening bowel inflammation.
Skills: Mostly I live peacefully with you and your good gut bacteria. But if you take antibiotics often, your good bacteria die, go on sick leave or take a long break. That’s when I act. I easily invade the entire colon area and start making my own poisons or toxins, which will make your stomach ache, you will have a fever and watery diarrhea and run to the toilet all the time. If you do not wash your hands, you can pass me on to other people, items and foods that you touch.
Remember! Wash your hands so you don’t need to sit on the toilet due to intestinal problems

How do we treat these problems?
It is treated with specific antibiotics, which destroy these bacteria, or by not taking a drug that had perhaps triggered inflammation.
In severe inflammation, some people have to have surgery to remove part of their diseased bowel, and the last option is a poop transplant called a fecal microbiota transplantation. In Croatia, the first such procedure was performed in 2017 in Rijeka, where a patient with severe C. difficile infection was completely cured. The good bacteria she received are happy in their new home, her gut, where they diligently digest food and prevent clostridium from gathering its army.
Fecal microbiota transplantation means the transfer of the microbiome from the gut of a healthy human to the patient's gut. A healthy person donates a stool from which all waste materials are removed in the laboratory while bacteria are kept. A healthy person’s solution rich in good bacteria is administered to the patient through various parts of the gastrointestinal tract – colonoscopically or with a nasojejunal tube. This is a fast, inexpensive and very successful drug, so for that reason, we call it - SUPER POOP!
More about transplantation see on video.
Source - author: - Johns Hopkins Medicine
A procedure whereby a physician inserts a viewing tube into the rectum for the purpose of inspecting the colon.
Nasojejunal tube
A tube introduced through the stomach into the small intestine.