Meat: Phantom menace
Meat is a food that has greatly contributed to human development. It is rich in protein needed for human growth and development, and it is advisable to consume it as a source of valuable compounds that build our bodies and give us energy. But humans are not the only living organisms that like to eat a good piece of meat.
Have you ever wondered what happens to meat when we leave it standing for too long on conditions that do not suit it?
Environmental factors, such as high temperature or increased humidity favor the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, molds and other fungi and . They are a true phantom threat because they can cause dangerous infectious diseases. They can also produce dangerous that can be introduced into the body by food. This is called .
Optimal temperature for bacterial growth is 37° C and for fungal development 28° C, while high humidity favors growth and development of both bacteria and fungi as water is essential for all cellular processes.

The most famous meat enemies are bacteria of the genera
Salmonella, Campylobacter and Escherichia coli.
They are dangerous for both humans and animals. They like to settle on raw meat and we have to be cautious about that. Namely, before consumption, the meat should be well cooked or baked, because the heat treatment inactivates the individuals present on the meat. However, we also have to take care of the hygiene of the work surfaces because loves dirt. If it accidentally goes from the meat to the work surface, it can survive for a long time and poses a risk of introducing it with our hands into the body.
The bacteria is known to be a great enemy of chicken. More specifically, not sufficiently cooked/baked chicken. Specifically, bacteria create toxins that cause cramps and other digestive problems.
is in general present in our digestive system. However, when Escherichia gets into our body through food, it may represent a dangerous that then becomes a true phantom for our body and causes major health problems.
The bacteria of the genus are found in canned and minced meat. If we don't pay attention to the expiration date, they can cause life-threatening diseases.

Bacteria dangerous for humans and animals. Loves to settle on raw meat, so we have to be careful to cook or bake it well before eating.

Bacteria known as the big enemy of under-cooked chicken.

Escherichia coli
Present in our digestive system, but when it gets into our body through food, it may cause major health problems.

"Attacked," spoiled meat can be easily identified. How?
It usually loses its original color because the microorganisms, that develop on it, decompose it and cause the change of color and if the mold is the cause of the attack, the meat can take on the color of the overgrown mold. The texture also changes - the meat becomes softer or, in some cases, tougher and a slime appears. Perhaps the most important sign of spoiled meat is the bad smell because by breaking down the meat, microorganisms create metabolites as the by-product that have an unpleasant odor.

When we notice such signs, the meat must not be consumed because it is rotten.

Microorganisms are steadfastly persistent - they never give up! Even preservatives or proper storage of the meat in the refrigerator/freezer until its expiry date is not a sufficient guarantee that the meat will not spoil.
That is why we should always check the expiry date before consumption and carefully treat the phantom microbial threat!